Mini Smudge Bowl and smudge stick - Kit    ✼                                              $15
(The bowl fits in one’s hand.)                                                                                       

The use of smudge sticks is a common custom in many Native American tribes.  
The sacred ritual of smudging is one of cleansing and purification for the physical and
 spiritual bodies, our inner and outer environments.  Sage is used to carry our prayers 
 and intentions.  

Smudging can be used in ceremony or for everyday cleansing.  It can also be used to
 get rid of negative energy in you, your home, your car, or your work space. 
✼ A card is included with the above description and also “How to Use”.      
    How to use:
                       ❍  Light the smudge stick with a match or candle light. 

                       ❍  Allow it to burn a few minutes. 

                       ❍  Blow on or wave the flame with a feather or your hand to put 
                             out the fire so that the smudge stick is now smoldering.  It is 
                             the smoke we desire, not the fire.

                       ❍  Continue to fan the smoke, fanning it into all areas of the room, 
                             car or around your body from head to toe. 

                        ❍  When you are finished, (if there is still sage left on the stick), 
                             crush the end of the stick into the bottom of the bowl until it 
                             goes out.